Zhi-Yuan Chen
A412 Life Sciences Annex
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone: (225) 578-7850
Fax: (225) 578-1415
E-mail: ZChen@agcenter.lsu.edu

B.S. in Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Peking University, 1988.
M.S. in Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology, Peking University, 1991.
Ph.D. in Plant Biology, Louisiana State University, 1996.
Current research interests are: (1) to investigate host-pathogen interactions in maize-Aspergillus flavus, soybean-Phakopsora pachyrhizi and soybean-Cercospora kikuchii to understand host resistance mechanisms; and (2)to develop new approaches such as Host Induced Gene Silencing (HIGS) and CRISPR-cas to reduce fungal infection in soybean and mycotoxin contamination in maize (corn).
Enhance Soybean Production through Understanding its Interactions with Phakopsora
Pachyrhizi and Cercospora Kikuchii
Reducing Aflatoxin Contamination of Maize through Understanding its Interactions with
Aspergillis Flavus
Referred Journal Articles
Raruang, Y., Omolehin, O., Hu, D., Wei, Q., Han, Z. Q., Rajasekaran, K., Cary, J. W., Wang, K. and Chen, Z. -Y. 2020. Host induced gene silencing targeting Aspergillus flavus aflM reduced aflatoxin contamination in transgenic maize under field conditions. Frontiers in Microbiology 11:754, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00754 (Impact Factor 4.259).
Hu, D., Chen, Z. -Y., Zhang, C., and Ganiger, M. 2020. Reduction of Phakopsora pachyrhizi infection on soybean through host and spray induced gene silencing. Mol. Plant Pathology 21: 794-807 (Impact Factor 4.379).
Santos Rezende, J., Zivanovic, M., Costa de Novaes, M., and Chen, Z.-Y. 2020. The AVR4 effector is involved in cercosporin biosynthesis and likely affects the virulence of Cercospora cf. flagellaris on soybean. Mol. Plant Pathology 21:53-65 (published on Oct 16, Impact Factor 4.379)
Xie, H., Wang, X., Zhang, L., Wang, T., Zhang, W., Jiang, J., Chang, P.-K., Chen, Z.-Y., Bhatnagar, D., Zhang, Q., Li, P., 2018. Monitoring metabolite production of aflatoxin biosynthesis by orbitrap fusion mass spectrometry and a D-optimal mixture design method. Analytical Chemistry 90, 14331-14338 (Impact Factor 6.042).
Gilbert, M. K., Majumdar, R., Rajasekaran, K., Chen, Z. -Y., Wei, Q., Sickler, C. M., Lebar, M. D., Cary, J. W., Frame, B. R., and Wang, K. 2018. RNA interference-based silencing of the alpha-amylase (amy1) gene in Aspergillus flavus decreases fungal growth and aflatoxin production in maize kernels. Planta 247: 1465-1473 (Impact Factor 3.249).
Fountain, J., Koh, J., Yang, L., Pandey, M., Nayak, S., Bajaj, P., Zhuang, W. -J., Chen, Z. -Y., Kemerait, R., Lee, R., Chen, S., Varshney, R., and Guo, B. 2018. Proteome analysis of Aspergillus flavus isolate-specific responses to oxidative stress in relationship to aflatoxin production capability. Nature Scientific Reports 8:3430 (DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-21653-x) (Impact factor 4.525).
Sharma, K., Pothana, A., Prasad, K., Shah, D., Kaur, J., Bhatnagar, D., Chen, Z.-Y., Raruang, Y., Cary, J., Rajasekaran, K., Sudini, H., and Bhatnagar-Mathur, P. 2017. Peanuts that keep aflatoxin at bay: A threshold that matters. Plant Biotechnology Journal. Https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.12846 (Impact Factor 6.305).
Yang, X., Zhang, Q., Chen, Z. -Y., Liu, H., and Li, P. 2017. Investigation of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain 3JW1 on preventing and reducing aflatoxin contaminations in peanuts. Plos One 12(6): e0178810. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0178810 (Impact Factor 2.776).
Li, P., Zhang, W., Zhang, Z., Zhang, Q., and Chen, Z. -Y. 2017. Fundamentals of hapten-protein conjugate synthesis to obtain high-quality antibodies for analysis of food and environmental contaminants. Current Organic Chemistry 21: 1-6 (Impact Factor 2.175)
Brown, R. L., Williams, W. P., Windham, G. L., Menkir, A. and Chen, Z. -Y. 2016. Evaluation of African-bred maize germplasm lines for resistance to aflatoxin accumulation. Agronomy 6:24 (Impact Factor 1.805).
Chen, Z. -Y., Warburton[Z1] , M. L., Hawkins, L., Wei, Q., Raruang, Y., Brown, R. L., Zhang, L., and Bhatnagar, D. 2015. Production of the 14 kDa trypsin inhibitor protein is important for maize resistance against Aspergillus flavus infection/aflatoxin accumulation. World Mycotoxin Journal (in press).
Fountain, J., Raruang, Y., Luo, M., Brown, R. L., Guo, B., and Chen, Z. -Y. 2015. Potential roles of WRKY transcription factors in regulating host defense responses during Aspergillus flavus infection of immature maize kernels. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 89: 31-40.
Fountain, J. C., Scully, B. T., Chen, Z. –Y., Gold, S. E., Glenn, A. E., Abbas, H. K., Lee, R. D., Kemerait, R. C., and Guo, B. 2015. Effects of hydrogen peroxide on different toxigenic and atoxigenic isolates of Aspergillus flavus. Toxins 7: 2985-2999.
Fountain, J. C., Khera, P., Yang, L., Scully, B. T., Lee, R. D, Chen, Z.-Y. , Kemerait, R. C., Varshney, R. K., and Guo, B. 2015. Resistance to Aspergillus flavus in maize and peanut: Biochemistry, breeding, environmental stress and future perspectives. The Crop Journal, 3: 229-237.
Xie, Y., Raruang, Y., Chen, Z. -Y., Brown, R. L., and Cleveland, T. E. 2014. ZmGns1, a novel Class I beta-1,3-glucanase, is induced by biotic infection and possesses strong antimicrobial activity. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 57: 271-283.
Chen, Z. -Y., Rajasekaran, K., Brown, R. L., Sayler, R. J., and Bhatnagar, D. 2014. Discovery and confirmation of genes/proteins associated with maize aflatoxin resistance. World Mycotoxin Journal (DOI 10.3920/WMJ2014.1732).
Chanda, A. K., Ward, N. A., Robertson, C. L., Chen, Z.-Y., and Schneider, R. W. 2014. Development of a qPCR detection protocol for Cercospora kikuchii in soybean leaves and its use for documenting latent infection as affected by fungicide applications. Phytopathology 104:1118-1124.
Fountain, J. C., Scully, B. T., Ni, X., Kemerait, R. C., Lee, R. D., Chen, Z. -Y., and Guo, B. Z. 2014. Environmental influences on maize-Aspergillus flavus interactions and aflatoxin production. Frontiers in Microbiology 5:1-7.
Ganiger, M., Walker, D. R., and Chen, Z. -Y. 2013. Proteomics based study of soybean and Phakopsora pachyrhizi interaction. Online. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2013-1125-01-RS.
Brown, R. L., Menkir, A., Chen, Z. -Y., Bhatnagar, D., Yu J., Yao, H., and Cleveland, T. E. 2013. Breeding aflatoxin-resistant maize lines using recent advances in technologies – a review. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A. 30: 1382-1391.
Chen, Z. -Y., Brown, R. L., Menkir, A., and Cleveland, T. E. 2012. Identification of resistance-associated proteins in closely-related maize lines varying in aflatoxin accumulation. Molecular Breeding 30: 53-68.
Luo, M., Brown, R. L., Chen, Z. –Y., Menkir, A., Yu, J., and Bhatnagar, D. 2011. Transcriptional profiles uncover Aspergillus flavus-induced resistance in maize kernels. Toxins 3:766-785.
Cary, J. W., Rajasekaran, K., Brown, R. L., Luo, M., Chen, Z. –Y., and Bhatnagar, D. 2011. Developing resistance to aflatoxin in maize and cottonseed. Toxins 3:678-696.
Chen, Z. -Y., Brown, R. L., Damann, K. E., and Cleveland, T. E. 2010. PR10 expression in maize and its effect on host resistance against Aspergillus flavus infection and aflatoxin production. Molecular Plant Pathology 11:69-81.
Xie, Y., Chen, Z. -Y., Brown, R. L., and Bhatnagar, D. 2010 Expression and functional characterization of two pathogenesis-related protein 10 genes from Zea mays. J. Plant Physiology 167:121-130.
Fountain, J. C., Chen, Z. –Y., Scully, B. T., Kemerait, R. C., Lee, R. D., and Guo, B. Z. 2010. Comparison of PR-related gene expression in different maize genotypes. African Journal of Plant Science 4:433-440.
Brown, R. L., Chen, Z. -Y., Warburton, M., Luo, M., Menkir, A., Fakhoury, A., and Bhatnagar, D. 2010. Discovery and characterization of proteins associated with aflatoxin-resistance: evaluating their potential as breeding markers. Toxins 2:919-933.
Chen, Z. -Y., Brown, R. L., Cary, J. W., Damann, K. E., and Cleveland, T. E. 2009a. Characterization of an Aspergillus flavus alkaline protease and its role in the infection of maize kernels. J. Toxicology Toxin Review 28: 187-197.
Luo, M., Brown, R. L., Chen, Z. -Y., and Cleveland, T. E. 2009. Host genes involved in the interaction between Aspergillus flavus and maize. J. Toxicology, Toxin Reviews 28: 118-128.
Chen, Z. -Y., Brown, R. L., Guo, B. Z., Menkir, A., and Cleveland, T. E. 2009. Identifying aflatoxin resistance-related proteins/genes through proteomics and RNAi gene silencing. Peanut Science 36 (1): 35-41.
Baker, R. L., Brown, R. L., Chen, Z.-Y., Cleveland, T. E., and Fakhoury, A. M. 2009. A maize lectin-like protein with antifungal activity against Aspergillus flavus. J. Food Protection 72: 120-127.
Baker, R. L., Brown, R. L., Chen, Z.-Y., Cleveland, T. E., and Fakhoury, A. M. 2009. A maize trypsin inhibitor (ZmTIp) with limited activity against Aspergillus flavus. J. Food Protection 72: 185-188.
Park, S., Chen, Z.-Y., Chanda, A. K., Schneider, R. W., and Hollier, C. 2008. Viability ofPhakopsora pachyrhizi urediniospores under simulated southern Louisiana winter conditions. Plant Disease 92:1456-1462
Guo, B., Chen, Z.-Y., Lee, R. D., and Scully, B. T. 2008. Drought stress and preharvest aflatoxin contamination in agricultural commodity: genetics, genomics and proteomics. J. Integrative Plant Biology 50:1281-1291
Osiri, J. K., Shadpour, H., Park, S., Snowden, B. C., Chen, Z. -Y., and Soper, S. A. 2008. Generating high peak capacity 2-D maps of complex proteomes using PMMA microchip electrophoresis. Electrophoresis 29:4984-4992.
Cleveland, T. E. IV, Hussey, D. S., Chen, Z. -Y., Jacobson, D. L., Brown, R. L., Carter-Wientjes, C., Cleveland, T. E., and Arif, M. 2008. The use of neutron tomography for the structural analysis of corn kernels. J. Cereal Science 48:517-525.
Rajasekarana, K., Cary, J. W., Chen, Z. -Y., Brown, R. L., and Cleveland, T. E. 2008. Antifungal traits of a 14 kD maize kernel trypsin inhibitor protein in transgenic cotton. J. Crop Improvement 22:1-16.
Chen, Z. -Y., Brown, R. L., Damann, K. E., and Cleveland, T. E. 2007. Identification of maize kernel endosperm proteins associated with resistance to aflatoxin contamination by Aspergillus flavus. Phytopathology 97:1094-1103.
Brown, R. L., Chen, Z. -Y., Menkir, A., and Cleveland, T. E. 2006. Proteomics to identify resistance factors in corn-a review. Mycotoxin Research 22:22-26.
Chen, Z. -Y., Brown, R. L., Rajasekaran, K., Damann, K. E., and Cleveland, T. E. 2006. Evidence for involvement of a pathogenesis-related protein in maize resistance to Aspergillus flavus infection /aflatoxin production. Phytopathology 96:87-95.
Menkir, A., Brown, R. L., Bandyopadhyay, R., Chen, Z. -Y., and Cleveland, T. E. 2006. A U.S.A.-Africa collaborative strategy for identifying, characterizing, and developing maize germplasm with resistance to aflatoxin contamination. Mycopathologia 162:225-232.
Brown, R. L., Bhatnagar, D., Clveland, T. E., and Chen, Z.-Y. 2004. Molecular biology for control of mycotoxigenic fungi. Mycology 21:69-77.
Chen, Z. -Y., Brown, R. L., and Cleveland, T. E. 2004a. Evidence of an association between stress tolerance and host resistance in corn against Aspergillus flavusinfection and aflatoxin contamination. African J. Biotechnol. 3:693-699.
Chen, Z. -Y., Brown, R. L., Damann, K. E., and Cleveland, T. E. 2004b. Identification of a maize kernel stress-related protein and its effect on aflatoxin accumulation. Phytopathology 94:938-945.
Cleveland, T. E., Yu, J., Bhatnagar, D., Chen, Z. -Y., Brown, R. L., Chang, P. K., and Cary, J. W. 2004. Elucidation of the molecular basis of the host plant-Aspergillus flavusinteraction, a basis for devising strategies to reduce aflatoxin contamination in crops. J. Toxicology, Toxin Reviews 23:345-380.
Brown, R. L., Chen, Z. -Y., Menkir, A., and Cleveland, T. E. 2003. Using biotechnology to enhance host resistance to aflatoxin contamination of corn. African J. Biotechnol. 2:557-562.
Banks, W. A., Niehoff, M. L., Brown, R. L., Chen, Z. -Y., and Cleveland, T. E. 2002. Transport across the blood-brain barrier of an antifungal trypsin inhibitor isolated from corn. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 46:2633-2635.
Chen, Z. -Y., Brown, R. L., Damann, K. E., and Cleveland, T. E. 2002. Identification of unique or elevated levels of kernel proteins in aflatoxin-resistant maize genotypes through proteome analysis. Phytopathology 92:1084-1094.
Brown, R. L., Chen, Z. -Y., Cleveland, T. E., Cotty, P. J., and Cary, J. W. 2001. Variation inin vitro α-amylase and protease activity is related to the virulence of Aspergillus flavus isolates. J. Food Protection 64:401-404.
Brown, R. L., Chen, Z. -Y., Menkir, A., Cleveland, T. E., Cardwell, K., Kling, J. and White, D. G. 2001. Resistance to aflatoxin accumulation in kernels of maize inbreds selected for ear rot resistance in West and Central Africa. J. Food Protection 64:396-400.
Chen, Z. -Y., Brown, R. L., Cleveland, T. E., Damann, K. E., and Russin, J. S. 2001. Comparison of constitutive and inducible maize kernel proteins of genotypes resistant or susceptible to aflatoxin production. J. Food Protection 64:1785-1792.
Chen, Z. -Y., Brown, R. L., Lax, A. R., Cleveland, T. E., and Russin, J. S. 1999a. Inhibition of plant pathogenic fungi by a corn trypsin inhibitor over-expressed inEscherichia coli. Applied Environmental Microbiology 65:1320-1324.
Chen, Z. -Y., Brown, R. L., Russin, J. S., Lax, A. R., and Cleveland, T. E. 1999b. A corn trypsin inhibitor with antifungal activity inhibits Aspergillus flavus α-amylase. Phytopathology 89:902-907.
Brown, R. L., Chen, Z. -Y., Cleveland, T. E., and Russin, J. S. 1999. Advances in the development of host resistance to aflatoxin contamination by Aspergillus flavus. Phytopathology (review) 89:113-117.
Chen, Z. -Y., Brown, R. L., Lax, A. R., Guo, B. Z., Cleveland, T. E., and Russin, J. S. 1998. Resistance to Aspergillus flavus in corn kernels is associated with a 14 kDa protein. Phytopathology 88: 276-281.
Karlsson, J., Clarke, A. K., Chen, Z. -Y., Hugghins, S. Y., Park, Y.-II, Husic, H. D., Moroney, J. V., and Samuelsson, G. 1998. A novel α-type carbonic anhydrase associated with the thylakoid membrane in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is required for growth at ambient CO2. EMBO J. 17:1208-1216.
Moroney, J. V., and Chen, Z. -Y. 1998. The role of the chloroplast in inorganic carbon uptake by eukaryotic algae. Canadian Journal of Botany (review) 76:1025-1034.
Chen, Z. -Y., Lavigne, L. L., Mason, C. B. and Moroney, J. V. 1997. Cloning and overexpression of two cDNAs encoding the low-CO2-inducible chloroplast envelope protein LIP-36 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Physiology 114: 256-273.
Guo, B. Z., Chen, Z. -Y., Brown, R. L., Lax, A. R., Cleveland, T. E., Russin, J. S., Mehta, A. D., Selitrennikoff, C. P., and Widstrom, N. W. 1997. Germination induces accumulation of specific proteins and antifungal activities in corn kernels. Phytopathology 87:1174-1178.
Burow, M. D., Chen, Z. -Y., Mouton, T. M., and Moroney, J. V. 1996. Isolation of cDNA clones of genes induced upon transfer of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells to low CO2. Plant Molecular Biology 31:443-448.
Chen, Z. -Y., Burow, M. D., Mason, C. B., and Moroney, J. V. 1996. A low CO2 inducible gene encoding an alanine:alpha-ketoglutarate aminotransferase inChlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Physiology 112:677-684.
Chen, Z. -Y., and Moroney, J. V. 1995. Identification of a Chlamydomonas reinhardtiichloroplast gene with significant homology to bacterial genes involved in cytochrome c biosynthesis. Plant Physiology 108:843-844.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Kaur, K., Chanda, A., Hollier, C. A., and Chen, Z. Y. 2014. Real Time PCR – tool for detection and quantification of Cercospora janseana in three varieties treated with fungicide at different growth stages of the crop. Rice Technical Working Group Proceedings (in press)
Luo, M., Brown, R.L., Chen, Z.-Y., Menkir, A., and Bhatnagar, D. (2010). Identification of gene marker sets for screening maize lines for resistance to aflatoxin contamination. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Plant Molecular Breeding, pp. 74, Beijing China, Sept. 5-9, 2010.
Park, S., and Chen, Z. –Y. 2009. Investigating soybean-Phakopsora pachyrhizi interactions using proteomics. The 2009 World Soybean Research Conference VIII, August 14, 2009 (Beijing, China).
Cleveland, T. E., Rajasekaran, K., Cary, J. W., Chen, Z. -Y., Brown, R. L., Bhatnagar, D., and Radin, J. W. 2002. Balancing the possible risks and benefits of using biotechnology to enhance resistance in crops to Aspergillus flavus infection and aflatoxin contamination. In Pathogenic Microorganisms and Their Toxins: A Global Perspective of Their Risk (S. Yamamoto and W. P. Norred eds.) (Book Chapter). IXth International Symposium-U.S.-Japan Natural Resources Panel on Toxic Microorganisms (UNJR), pp. 268-301.
Moroney, J. V., Burow, M. D., Chen, Z. -Y., Borkhsenious, O. N., Mason, C. B., and Somanchi, A. 1998. Adaptation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to limiting CO2conditions. In Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects. Vol V, Ed. by G. Garab, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 3443-3446.
Chen, Z. -Y., Burow, M. D., and Moroney, J. V. 1995. Characterization of genes induced by low CO2 in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Photosynthesis: from Light to Biosphere, (P. Mathis ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol. V: 619-622.
Refereed Book Chapters
Brown, R. L., Bhatnagar, D. Cleveland, T. E., Chen, Z.-Y., and Menkir, A. 2013. Development of maize host resistance to aflatoxigenic fungi. In Aflatoxins: Recent Advances and Future Prospects (Ed. M. Razzaghi-Abyaneh), InTech, Rijeka, Crotia, ISBN: 978-953-51-0904-4, pp. 3-22. Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/aflatoxins-recent-advances-and-future-prospects/development-of-maize-host-resistance-to-aflatoxigenic-fungi
Brown, R.L., Menkir, A., Chen, Z.-Y., Luo, M., and Bhatnagar, D. 2011. Identification of gene markers in aflatoxin-resistant maize germplasm for marker-assisted breeding. In Aflatoxins-Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Ed. R. G. Guevara-Gonzalez), InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, pp. 91--106.
Brown, R.L., Chen, Z.-Y., Menkir, A., Cleveland, T.E., and Bhatnagar, D. 2008. Strategies for the prevention of preharvest aflatoxin contamination of maize. In Recent Advancement in Agriculture (Eds. C. Stevens and V. A. Khan), Research Signpost, Kerala, India, pp. 131-150.
Brown, R. L., Chen, Z. -Y., Menkir, A., Cleveland, T. E., and Bhatnagar, D. 2008. Application of biotechnology towards enhancement of maize resistance to aflatoxin contamination by Aspergillus flavus. In Crop Improvement and Biochnology (Eds. D. Thangadurai, L. Tripathi, H.K.N. Vasanthaiah, and D.J. Cantu), Bioscience Publications, India, pp. 57-67.
Menkir, A., Brown, R. L., Bandyopadhyay, R., Chen, Z. -Y., and Cleveland, T. E. 2008. Breeding maize for resistance to mycotoxins at IITA. In Mycotoxins: Detection Methods, Management, Public Health and Agricultural Trade (Ed. J. F. Leslie), CABI Publishing, pp. 277-289.
Chen, Z. -Y., Rajasekaran, K., Brown, R. L., Bhatnagar D., and Cleveland, T. E. 2006. Removal of aflatoxin contamination from food and feed crops. In Plant Genetic Engineering Vol. 8: Metabolic Engineering and Molecular Farming II (Eds. P. K. Jaiwal and R. P. Singh). Studium Press, Houston, TX, pp. 73-110.
Brown, R. L., Chen, Z. -Y., Cleveland, T. E., and Bhatnagar, D. 2005. Molecular aspects of corn resistance mechanisms against aflatoxigenic fungi. In Genetic Resources and Biotechnology, Vol II (Eds. D. Thangadurai, T. Pullaiah and P. A. Balatti), Regency Publications, New Delhi, India, pp. 281-294.
Cleveland, T. E., Yu, J., Bhatnagar, D. Chen, Z. -Y., Brown, R. L., Chang, P.-K., and Cary, J. W. 2005. Progress in elucidating the molecular basis of the host plant-Aspergillus flavus interaction: A basis for devising strategies to reduce aflatoxin contamination in crops. In Aflatoxin and Food Safety (Ed. H. Abbas), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 167-193.
Rajasekaran, K., Bhatnagar, D., Brown, R. L., Chen, Z. -Y, Cary, J. W., and Cleveland, T. E. 2005. Enhancing Food Safety: prevention of preharvest aflatoxin contamination. In Perspectives of Agricultural Research and Development (Eds. C. Ramasamy, S. Ramanathan, and M. Dhakshinamoorthy), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India, pp. 434-467.
Brown, R. L., Chen, Z. -Y., Bhatnagar, D., and Cleveland, T.E. 2004. Molecular biology for control of mycotoxigenic fungi. In Fungal Biotechnology in Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Application, (Eds. D. Arora, P. Bridge, and D. Bhatnagar). Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, pp. 69-77.
Brown, R. L., Chen, Z. -Y., Gembeh, S. V., Cleveland, T. E., Bhatnagar, D., and Howard, K. 2004. Identification of natural resistance in corn against mycotoxin-producing fungi. In Research Advances in Food Science (Ed. R. M. Mohan), Global Research Network, Kerala, India, pp. 85-96.
Chen, Z. -Y., Cleveland, T. E., Brown, R. L., Bhatnagar, D., Cary, J. W., and Rajasekaran, K. 2002. Corn as a source of antifungal genes for genetic engineering of crops for resistance to aflatoxin contamination. In Crop Biotechnology (Eds. K. Rajasekaran, J. W. Finley, and T. J. Jacks), ACS Symposium Series No. 829, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, pp. 131-150.