October 2020
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Federal Funds Policy Changes
The Federal Funds Policy (POL-U501.A: Methods and Thresholds for Procuring Goods and Services with Federal Funds) has been revised in accordance with the Federal Procurement rules of the Uniform
Guidance, increased authority approved by the Department of Health and Human Services,
and the University Procurement Code. The following changes have been made:
- The Single Procurement Threshold for Formal Competition of Information Technology
has been decreased from $100,000 to $50,000 or greater.
- Any Exceptions to Competitive Solicitations in this policy herein shall not exceed
$50,000 per transaction.
In the email communication announcing the policy changes it was indicated that the
Continuity of Research and Compatibility with Existing Goods/Services are no longer allowable justifications for Sole Source Procurements. Upon further
clarification, with appropriate documentation these reasons can be used if it is clearly
documented that the supplier is the single source that can meet the quality/timeline
established for the project/purchase.
Policy changes became effective October 1, 2020.
Other Uniform Guidance Changes
The following sections have been added/revised and were made effective August 13, 2020:
- §200.216 Prohibition on certain telecommunications and video surveillance services
or equipment
- §200.340 Termination
- §200.341 Notification of termination requirement
- §200.342 Opportunities to object hearings and appeals
- §200.471 Telecommunications and video surveillance costs
- Part 183 – Never Contract With The Enemy
The following sections have been added/revised and were made effective November 12, 2020:
- §200.318 General procurement standards
- §200.319 Competition
- §200.320 Method of procurement to be followed
- §200.322 Domestic Preference for procurements
Procurement is evaluating language changes and will communicate any additional changes
to the policy/procedure as soon as possible.
Global Supply Chain Update - Nitrile Gloves & Pipette Tips
As you have begun to expect during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, we (individuals, the
university, the global economy) are learning how to operate in the new "normal." Not
only has LSU Procurement been helping meet those needs to partner in standing the
University back up after the initial shutdown, but we've stayed connected to the global
supply chain through various resources: our network of strategic suppliers, higher
education procurement professionals across the US, and research/professional associations.
The availability of products is constantly shifting (month-to-month, day-to-day, hour-to-hour)
based on the global economy all fighting for the same resources to help combat COVID-19
and operate their entities/businesses. Based on conversations over the last few weeks
a few items have been highlighted: 1) nitrile gloves and 2) pipette tips.
While there will be pockets of product availability (also known as spot purchases),
industry projections are that the supply chain for nitrile gloves will not be normalized
until 2023. What is the impact to LSU? The impact is that while labs might be used
to purchasing Kimberly Clark Purple Nitrile Gloves, a shift will be necessary to purchase
available nitrile gloves that can (at least) meet the minimum requirements to protect
the individual wearing them while conducting their research or shift to a non-nitrile
glove (i.e. latex, vinyl).
In terms of pipette tips, with the increased volume of global research and testing
to help identify infected individuals and develop & test potential vaccinations, the
supply chain cannot keep up with the demand. Industry projections are showing there
will be a supply chain shortage of pipette tips occurring in Q4 of 2020 and Q1 of
2021 (Oct-Mar) with the industry catching up to the demand in Q2 of 2021 (Apr-Jun).
If your department/college has a consistent need with known annual usage, it may be
in the best interest to consolidate the annual usage (or even semester usage) to create
a bulk purchase to obtain the best price, since most global suppliers are not holding
contract pricing based on market volatility.

Zoom Web Conferencing: Dial-in vs. Computer Audio
Procurement and Information Technology Services encourages Zoom users to choose the
Computer Audio option when participating in university Zoom calls. Additional charges apply when
using the dial in feature. The voice application within Zoom is the preferred method and should be used when
A Message from Parking & Transportation Services
Parking & Transportation Services has created an online form to manage the distribution
of their annual Academic Calendar. Please fill out the form below to request a specific
quantity and provide delivery instructions for your department. All requests will
be reviewed and granted upon availability. To meet demand, we ask that only one request
be submitted per department. Please allow for 7-10 business days for processing.
If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact our office at (225)
578-5000 or email parking@lsu.edu.
Please fill out the form online at: https://lsu.edu/parking/academic-calendar-request-form.php
Purchasing Agent Delegation Renewal
Procurement has extended current Purchasing Agent delegations through June 30, 2021
due to COVID-19 which has prevented us from meeting in large groups and hosting events
that would normally offer new opportunities to earn credits as required to maintain
delegation. We will continue to offer training should you want to attend as a refresher.

Special Authorizations
Departments are reminded that special authorization is required for several types
of goods and services purchases regardless of cost and method of payment (PO, LaCarte
or Direct Charge). Prior approval(s) as indicated on the Special Authorizations List must be obtained before the purchase is made and attached to the transaction (Requisition,
Expense Report or paper form) prior to submission to Procurement Services or Accounts
Payable & Travel.
Document Signatures
With the release of Adobe Sign, Procurement reminds departments any documents or agreements
that contain terms and conditions and require an official signature, including those
signed electronically, must be sent to the appropriate parties for review and signature. Departments
are not authorized to sign contracts or agreements on behalf of the University unless
specific signature delegation is obtained. Supplier quotes/agreements/contracts must
be routed to Procurement Services for signature. Procurement can assist with determining
the appropriate parties to sign a document should the department need help.

Procurement Roundtable – Virtual Meeting
Be sure to join us for the next Procurement Roundtable Meeting Tuesday, December 8th
from 2:00 – 3:30 PM. Submit topics for discussion and register to attend using the
buttons on the Procurement Services homepage.

The following virtual training sessions are now available. Register online at training.lsu.edu.
Training Session |
Date |
Time |
Procurement Institute |
Thursday, November 5th |
9:00 – 12:00 PM |
Specs and More Specs |
Tuesday, November 17th |
1:00 – 2:30 PM |
Department Solicitations |
Tuesday, November 17th |
2:30 – 3:30 PM |
Workday Procurement: Tips and Tricks |
Tuesday, December 1st |
1:00 – 3:00 PM |

Purchasing Sources of Radiation?
Is your department ordering materials, supplies or equipment that include radioactive
materials? Did you know prior approval must be obtained and special procedures must
be followed to ensure the proper registration, receipt and safety measures are taken?
First, the most important thing to remember is only approved radiation principal investigators
may be authorized to order radioactive materials. Radioactive materials can be ordered
through the normal procurement process with the provision that the material shipment
is made directly to the LSU Radiation Safety Office (RSO). The individual ordering must notify RSO before the purchase is made identifying
what and how much is being ordered along with the name of the supplier. The purpose
of this notification is to receive guidance on next steps to obtain approval to purchase,
ensure purchases are in compliance with the Louisiana Department of Environmental
Quality regulations, submit applications to register equipment with the Department
of Environmental Quality, and receive shipments of radioactive materials and deliver
to the user in a timely fashion.
When placing the ordering, radioactive materials the following address information
shall be selected/provided to the supplier*:
Ship-To Address:
Physical Address: |
Workday Address: |
Louisiana State University
112 Nuclear Science Building
South Campus Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-5820
112 Nuclear Science Bldg
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
*Billing address and name of the principal investigator ordering must appear on the
mailing/packaging slip.
Machine that produce ionizing radiation requiring registration mentioned above include
diagnostic x-ray machines of all classes (e.g. field-portable, fluoroscopic, special-procedures,
panoramic-dental, crystological, etc.), therapeutic x-ray machines of all classes
(e.g. deep-therapy, superficial-therapy, supervoltage, etc.), industrial x-ray units,
analytical instruments (e.g. diffraction, fluorescence, etc.), and accelerators (e.g.
synchrotron, cyclotron, electron-therapy systems, etc.). The Radiation Safety Office has the responsibility for submitting registration applications. A certificate of registration is issued to the owner of the equipment and must be
posted on or near the machine.
If you have any questions or would like more information on the process of purchasing
radioactive materials or equipment, contact Amin Hamideh at ahamid1@lsu.edu or 225-578-2747.
Purchasing/Rental Checklist for Equipment/Machinery
This checklist should be used to ensure that any equipment or machinery that is purchased
or rented meets all health, safety, and environmental requirements before being used
or installed on campus.
- Fuel Type – Gasoline, Natural Gas, Propane, Diesel, Hybrid, etc.
- Are there hazardous emissions?
- Does it produce a magnetic field?
- Does it contain a Radiation source?
- Does it use liquid nitrogen?
- Does it otherwise require a special fuel or electrical connection?
- Does it use a laser?
- Does it cut things or print things?
- Does it generate hazardous or regulated waste?
- Is a special permit/certification required to operate/install?
- Does the manufacturer recommend ventilation?
- Does it need to be kept away from humidity?
- Does it need to be kept away from vibration?
- Does it generate vibration?
- If rental; are inspection procedures attached/required?
- Is a fire extinguisher mounted to the machine? (forklifts, welding machines, aerial
lifts, etc.)
- Is a manufacturers operating manual included?
- Are all safety decals/warnings/placards in place and legible?
- Are all safety features in place and operational? (dead man switches, lights/strobes,
audible alarms)
- What are the PPE requirements for the equipment?
- Training requirements for equipment?
For questions regarding this checklist or overall health, safety and environmental
requirements, contact the Office of Environmental Health and Safety at 225-578-5640.

Departments receiving communications from the supplier to update their address and
phone/fax number can now be entered in Workday by someone in the department that has
the Accountant-Department or Cost Center Manager role. All other changes must be entered
by Procurement or Accounts Payable & Travel depending on the nature of the change.
Supplier Change Requests should not be created on (P) parent suppliers.
Supplier Change Requests cannot be Saved for Later. If created and not submitted,
the individual will not be able to edit and complete the request. Contact the Supplier
Help Desk to have pending change requests canceled.
If Address/Phone/Fax Changes:
Documentation (email, updated W-9/W-8 or invoice) from the supplier must be attached to the supplier change prior to submission.
If Name or TIN Change:
Forward or have supplier email the Supplier Help Desk to request the change. An updated W-9/W-8 as well as documentation showing the legal
name change is required and must be reviewed to determine if existing record can be
changed or if new record must be created.
If Payment Method Change:
Forward or have supplier email the Accounts Payable & Travel to request the change of their payment method to/from check, Paymode or e-Payables.
AP&T will submit a change request in Workday to edit the supplier’s payment method
once external changes are made official on their end.
If Supplier Contact Change:
Forward or have supplier email the Supplier Help Desk to request the change. This action does not require a supplier change request but
must be done by a Supplier Administrator.
Supplier Help Desk - suppliers@lsu.edu Accounts Payable & Travel - aptravel@lsu.edu
Refer to the Supplier Change Request job aid at the link below: https://uiswcmsweb.prod.lsu.edu/training/finance/create_supplier_change.pdf